Crassula plant vastu benefits, Placement and tips for Home

Crassula is a type of succulent plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It is commonly known as the "Jade plant" or "Money plant" and is widely used in Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture, to bring prosperity and good luck to homes and workplaces. In this article, we will discuss the vastu benefits of Crassula plants and how they can help improve the energy and ambiance of your living and working spaces. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of the Crassula plant according to Vastu, how to place it in your home, and tips for care and maintenance.

How to plant Crassula plants at home?

  • To plant a Crassula plant, you will need a pot with a small hole at the bottom so that water can drain out. 
  • Put the Crassula plant in the pot, but don't let its roots touch the bottom. Fill the pot with soil and manure, then water it. 
  • Put the pot in a place where the plant can get plenty of sunlight.
  • Occasionally cut off any dry leaves or stems from the plant. You can also take cuttings from the Crassula plant and put them in a pot to grow new plants. 
  • Just make sure to remove any leaves from the bottom half of the cutting before planting it.

The Right Direction For Crassula 

  • According to Vastu, the Crassula plant is believed to bring good luck and wealth if placed in the southeast corner of the house. 
  • You can also keep the plant in the east direction or corner of your house.
  • Placing a Crassula plant at the entrance of your office or house is also said to bring good luck. 
  • However, it's not recommended to keep a Crassula plant in the bathroom or bedroom as it can reduce its positive effects.

Correct Direction Of Crassula Plants For The Office 

To reduce stress and increase your chances of getting promoted at work, keep this plant on the southwest side of your desk. If you have a business, placing this plant above your cash counter might bring you more money. It's believed that having this plant in these locations can lead to success.

Vastu Tips For Crassula Plant 

  • Do Not Keep The Crassula Plant In The Bedroom.
  • It's not advisable to plant Crassula near your bed because the bedroom is a space for rest, and it's best to avoid placing plants there. Also, avoid planting this plant near your kitchen.
  • Place The Crassula Plant In A Sunny, Open Location.
  • It is believed that keeping the Crassula plant in the dark area inside the house can create bad energy. To keep the plant healthy, it is important to place it in an area with good sunlight. Keeping the plant on the balcony or terrace can also bring prosperity.
  • Keep Clear Of The Leaves Of The Crassula Plant.
  • According to Vastu Shastra, it is necessary to wipe the leaves of a Crassula plant regularly with a clean cloth when you have it inside your home. Keeping the leaves free from dust can help to bring in positive energy.

Also Read: South Facing House Vastu: Enhancing Harmony and Prosperity

Crassula plant vastu benefits

Symbol Of Good Fortune

Many people keep Crassula plants in their homes because they believe they bring good luck. According to Chinese feng shui, this plant has the ability to bring positive energy and remove negative energy from the home. It is said to bring happiness, wealth, and better health. To benefit from these effects, you should bring the plant into your home with hope and place it in the right location and direction.

Improves Financial Prosperity

Crassula plants are often referred to as "Money plants" because they are believed to attract wealth and financial prosperity. According to Vastu Shastra, placing a Crassula plant in the southeast corner of your home or office can help increase your income and financial stability.

Brings Positive Energy

Crassula plants are known for their ability to absorb negative energy and purify the air around them. According to Vastu Shastra, placing a Crassula plant in the north or northeast corner of your home or office can help create a positive and peaceful environment that promotes mental clarity, creativity, and productivity.

Stress Relief

In addition to financial prosperity and positive energy, the Crassula plant is also believed to bring stress relief. It is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Placing the Crassula plant in the bedroom or meditation room is said to promote relaxation and peacefulness.  

Maintenance Of Humidity

Maintaining the right amount of moisture in the air is important for our health and indoor environment. The use of heaters and air conditioners can make the air indoors too dry, causing our skin to become dry and flaky. However, the Crassula plant can help with this problem because it has tissue that stores water, and it releases moisture to help maintain the right level of humidity in the air. This can help solve problems such as skin warts, itchy throat, static electricity, and allergy symptoms.

CO2 Consumption At Night

Having enough oxygen is important for good sleep and overall health. At night, plants stop producing oxygen through photosynthesis, and instead, the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) increases. However, if you keep a Crassula Plant in your bedroom, it can absorb CO2 at night through a special mechanism called CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). This mechanism is found in succulent and desert plants and helps to reduce water loss due to evaporation during the day.  


Another benefit of the Crassula plant is that it can make a great gift for your friends, family members, or business partners. People love receiving these cute little plants as gifts. They can be especially good as a housewarming gift because they are believed to bring good fortune to the new home. Having a Crassula plant at home can also bring positive energy. Additionally, the plant can be used as a gift for weddings and other special occasions.

Also Read: Vastu Remedies For Health Problems And Overall Well-Being

Crassula Plant Benefits For Skin

Another benefit of the Crassula plant is that it can be used to treat warts. Warts are rough, skin-coloured bumps that are contagious and can be caused by a viral infection. To treat a wart with a Crassula plant, simply cut a leaf from the middle of the plant and apply the flesh of the leaf directly to the wart for 2-3 days.

Medicinal Benefits

This plant is helpful for treating diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, and cleaning the intestines. People in China have been using it for many years and call it a "Healing Gem" because it can help with different health problems.

Ornamental Use

Crassula is a pretty plant that people use to decorate their homes and workplaces. It has beautiful leaves and flowers and can be kept at entrances, on study tables, and in workspaces. It also looks nice in hanging baskets and can be used to add interest to gardens.

Easy To Grow

Another good thing about the Crassula plant is that it is easy to take care of. It doesn't need a lot of water and can grow well inside or outside. It grows slowly, so it's not difficult to move it to a bigger pot. You can also make more plants from cuttings without much trouble.


In conclusion, the Crassula plant is believed to bring a range of Vastu benefits to homes, including improved financial stability, enhanced relationships, and increased positivity. According to Vastu principles, placing the Crassula plant in the southeast corner of the home or office is considered auspicious, as it is associated with wealth and prosperity. Additionally, it is advisable to consult our astrologer or Vastu expert before making any significant changes to your home's layout or decorations. They can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your specific circumstances and needs.

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