The Impact Of Planets On Climate Change And Health Issues

The Impact of Planets on Climate Change and Health Issues

As the population grows, so does pollution, which is having a negative impact on our health. Different diseases affect individuals in various ways. Astrology suggests that the planets in our solar system and their movements also influence our bodies. This article delves into the connection between specific planets and the diseases they cause. We also explore ways to prevent these illnesses.

Role Of Planet Mercury

Mercury is connected to our central nervous system and solar plexus and is known for intelligence and strong memory. However, its influence can be weakened by climate change and pollution, leading to issues with the solar plexus and nervous system, digestive problems, skin diseases, mental weakness, and other health issues. Additionally, research has shown that young children are at a higher risk of developing schizophrenia due to increased pollution, while older people may experience higher rates of diabetes. To mitigate these effects, it is important to take steps to reduce pollution and to protect your health.

Role Of Planet Jupiter

The green color is created by mixing yellow and blue. Yellow symbolizes Jupiter and consuming yellow foods such as oranges, bananas, and yellow pulses enhances positive vibrations in the body. Vegetables are also beneficial for mercury. Jupiter governs the liver, blood circulation, fat deposit, obesity, kidney, and thigh. Eating Jupiter-related foods helps to strengthen the liver. In ancient times, physicians would prescribe medicine based on the Jupiter hour. Modern doctors include the symbol "R" on prescription slips before prescribing medicine, which represents Jupiter, believed to protect humans from major surgeries.

Also Read: Four Important Planetary Transits In February 2023.

Role of Planet Saturn

Saturn is represented by the color blue, which has a cooling, soothing, contracting, and antiseptic effect. Its antiseptic properties help control rot, body aches, fever, cholera, sunstroke, skin problems, pimples, and chronic sores. Saturn governs the teeth, feet, bones, knees, ribs, nails, secretive system, hair, and minerals. Incorporating blue foods, such as potatoes, barley, rai, mustard oil, or black gram pulses in the diet can help increase strength and promote positive vibrations from Saturn in the body.

The three primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The combination of these colors creates secondary colors, such as black, and has the ability to absorb all rays. Red symbolizes Mars, yellow symbolizes Jupiter, and blue symbolizes Saturn, all of which impact one's physical health. Red is heating, stimulating, expanding, and acts as a tonic. It stimulates the nervous system and regulates blood circulation in the body. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in stimulating the lymphatic nervous system. Eating red foods such as apples or strawberry yogurt, red pulses, and vegetables helps to combat a cold feeling in the body, as well as chronic nervousness, cough, cold, and impotence. When red and yellow are combined, they create orange, which also has a warming effect, albeit to a lesser degree than red. Orange also stimulates the nervous system and regulates blood circulation in the body. Indigo and violet are very cool in nature. As an antiseptic created from the mixture of red and blue, indigo reduces fever, strengthens the nervous system, and controls thirst. Violet color products help with insomnia, increase red blood cells to combat anemia, and control acute tuberculosis problems.


In conclusion, the influence of planets on climate change and health issues is a complex and multifaceted subject that has been studied for centuries. While there is still much to be learned about the ways in which the planets impact our world, it is clear that they play a significant role in shaping the environment and our physical well-being. Whether through the colors they represent, the food and drink we consume, or the properties they embody, the planets are powerful forces that can influence our lives in many ways. Further research and understanding of these relationships will be key in addressing the pressing issues of climate change and health that we face as a society. To know more about Impact of Planets talk to our best Astrologers.

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